International Speech Contest (Speech & Evaluation contest in French and English)

Foto de Cornelia y DavidLe 3 Mars nous avons réalisé le concours International Speech, derrière ce concours beaucoup de travail de la part des organisateurs et aussi des participants et ses mentors.
Nous avons passé un très bon moment ensemble et nous serons ravi de vous voir revoir à Grenoble pour le prochain niveau… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 18th February

Another amazing ToastmFoto meeting2asters meeting on this 18th of April, 2016 with great speeches, experienced members and more and more guesses. The session was chaired by Elisabeth and featured Chelo as general evaluator, Tonhu as time-keeper, Damien as word-of-the-evening master and grammarian, and David as stumble-catcher.

 The meeting theme… Continue reading

Interview with the sector director: Wilfried Rouquet

Depuis es-tu mePhotombre de Toastmasters ?

C’est ma 3e année

Quelles ont été tes motivations à devenir membre?

Difficile à dire, ça semblait presque ‘logique’, mais je pense que c’était surtout pour devenir meilleur à l’oral


Quelles étaient tes attentes ?

De pouvoir faire des discours et… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 21th January. Who is the author?

After one month of hollydays, I was really happy to realised that I have actually been missing some of the little details of my toastmaster meetings. I am talking about David’s cheeky smile, Carol’s enthousiasm, Chelo’s energy and all these non material things which makes my life rich.

It was… Continue reading

Interview with Leon RUBINSTEIN (President 2015 – 2016)

When did you beLR-photocome a member of Toastmasters ?

I joined in spring 2013

What did you motivated?

I was looking for an efficient way to learn public speaking skills

What Were Your Expectations for the club?

I was expecting to learn some tricks and techniques (T&T). As in… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 7th January

How fantastic was ourImage blog winner first meeting of the year, on Thursday 7th January!
A lot of new guests came up to discover our Club. After introducing themselves, they enjoyed the programme which Theme was ” A new Year Resolution”.
It was chosen by Anastassios, our talented Toastmaster of the… Continue reading

Interview with Carol Bausor (member of our Executive Committee)

How long photo-carolbausorhave you been a member of Toastmasters, and why did you join ?

I first heard of Toastmasters from an enthusiastic Parisian member who asked me to give a talk at a District Conference in Düsseldorf, for an Association she belonged to. I didn’t really know who… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 17th December


That was it! The last Toastmaster meeting of the year 2015!

As I was heading back home I had this feeling inside of me, the feeling you have at the end of each meeting. Something that makes you happy inside and grateful about taking part in the meeting, the fact… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 3th December

Photo gagnants

With the coming holiday season, our first meeting of December was around the theme of ‘Sharing’.

We welcomed three guests and a new member Yves who already accepted to take a role during the meeting.

Elizabeth, our toastmaster of the evening, introduced our three speakers: Nicolas, Anastassios and Alicia.

The… Continue reading

Summary of the meeting 19th November

Winners court

We were absolutely thrilled to have the last meeting animated by Chelo, the “top banana”. The theme of the meeting was fruits and vegetables and the decoration of the room was according with that. Leon established the word of the evening: “Orange” which has plenty of meaning. Three interesting speeches… Continue reading