An American guest at our Secret Santa meeting !

What an amazing Secret Santa meeting on 2019/12/19 at Lyon Toastmasters Unlimited.
The speakers were awesome, the improvisers incredible, and the evaluators brilliant. With an honorable mention for Serge, the mighty stumble catcher ! So much fun !
Plus, a special guest visited… Continue reading
A happy Halloween meeting
We had a happy Halloween meeting on Oct. 31st at Lyon Toastmasters Unlimited!

Still, high-level speeches and improvisations.

Many members received a ribbon!
Forum des associations 2019
Dimanche 8 Sept. 2019, notre club Lyon Toastmasters Unlimited était présent au Forum des Associations de Lyon 7 installé place Jean Macé.
A cette occasion, le maire de Lyon et son équipe ont rencontré notre président Thomas Leroux qui tenait le stand à ce moment-là

A new Committee for 2019-2020 – Un nouveau Bureau pour 2019-2020
The new committee for “Lyon Toastmasters Unlimited” 2019 – 2020 season is :
- President : Thomas Le Roux
- VP Education : Carol Bausor (untill new applicant)
- VP Membership : Ilaivato Rakotobe
- VP Public Relations : Francis Blaineau
- Secretary : Eliette Lezais
- Sergeant at arms : Clément Creusot
- Webmaster : Clément… Continue reading